Acetic acid
Acetic acid is an organic compound, a monobasic carboxylic acid of the composition CH3COOH. Under normal conditions, it is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. The melting point of pure acid is slightly lower than room temperature, when it freezes it turns into colorless crystals – this gave it the technical name glacial acetic acid.
The use of acetic acid is quite diverse. In the chemical industry, plastic masses, various dyes, medicinal substances, artificial fiber (acetate silk), non-flammable film and many other substances are produced from it. Acetic acid salts — acetates of aluminum, chromium, and ferrum — are used as a mordant when dyeing fabrics. Acetic acid is also widely used as a solvent. У харчовій промисловості застосовується як консервант, регулятор кислотності та смаковаприправа; в Європейській системі харчових добавок оцтова кислота має код E260.