Raw materials for auto chemistry

Ethanol (tech.)








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Ethanol, technical ethyl alcohol – a transparent, colorless liquid with a pleasant smell. Miscible with water, organic solvents.

It is not only a raw material for the synthesis of some chemical substances, but also a solvent. Dissolves oils, fats, paints.



The first to use ethanol as a motor fuel was Henry Ford, who in 1880 created the first car running on ethanol. The possibility of using alcohols as a motor fuel was also shown in 1902, when more than 70 carbureted engines running on ethanol and mixtures of ethanol and gasoline were exhibited at a competition in Paris.

Ethanol can be used as a fuel, including for rocket engines (yes, ethanol was used as fuel in the world’s first mass-produced ballistic missile – the German “Fau-2” and early Soviet missiles of the Korolev design – from R-1 to R-5 ), internal combustion engines, household, derivative and laboratory heating devices (so-called “alcohol heaters”), heaters for tourists and military personnel (catalytic auto-oxidation on a platinum catalyst). It is used to a limited extent (due to its hygroscopicity) in a mixture with classic liquid petroleum fuels. It is used for the production of high-quality fuel and a component of gasoline – ethyl tert-butyl ether, which is more independent of fossil organics than MTBE.

Chemical Industry

serves as a raw material for obtaining many chemicals, such as acetaldehyde, diethyl ether, tetraethyl lead, acetic acid, chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethylene, etc.;

widely used as a solvent (in the paint industry, in the production of household chemicals and many other industries);

is a component of antifreeze and windshield washers;

in household chemistry, ethanol is used in detergents, especially for the care of glass and sanitary ware. It is a solvent for repellents.


In medicine, ethyl alcohol is primarily used as a solvent, extractant, and antiseptic; according to its action, ethyl alcohol can be classified as an antiseptic;

as a disinfectant and drying agent, externally;

the drying and duplicating properties of 97% ethyl alcohol are used to treat the operating field or in some methods of treating the surgeon’s hands;

solvent for medicines, for preparing tinctures, extracts from plant raw materials, etc.;

preservative for tinctures and extracts (minimum concentration 18%);

foam extinguisher during oxygen supply, artificial lung ventilation;

in warming compresses;

for physical cooling in case of fever (for rubbing);

a component of general anesthesia in a situation of shortage of medicinal products;

as a defoamer for pulmonary edema in the form of inhalation of a 33% solution;

ethanol is an antidote for poisoning with some toxic alcohols such as methanol and ethylene glycol. Its action is due to the fact that the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, in the presence of several substrates (for example, methanol and ethanol), performs only competitive oxidation, thanks to which, after timely (almost immediate, following methanol/ethylene glycol) ingestion of ethanol, the current concentration of toxic metabolites of formaldehyde and formic acid decreases , for ethylene glycol – oxalic acid).

Perfumery and cosmetics

It is a universal solvent of various substances and the main component of perfumes, colognes, aerosols, etc. It is included in a variety of products, including toothpastes, shampoos, shower gels, etc.

Food Industry

Along with water, it is the main component of alcoholic beverages (vodka, wine, gin, beer, etc.). It is also found in small amounts in a number of beverages obtained by fermentation, but not included in alcoholic beverages (kefir, kvass, koumiss, non-alcoholic beer, etc.). Ethanol content in fresh kefir is small (0.12%), but in a long, especially in a warm place, it can reach 1%. Koumiss contains 1-3% ethanol (up to 4.5% in strong), kvass – from 0.5 to 1.2%.


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